Lega Serie A`s official Instagram account @seriea reaches the prestigious milestone of 10 million followers, growing by one and a half million in the last year, equivalent to 17% of the total. Over the past 365 days, there have been more than 630 million video views on the profile. In particular, on the approach of the 10 million milestone, a special content related to the Inter-Milan derby was created, giving voice to historical fans of the city and working with two photographers (Riccardo Lancia and Francesca Scandella) to immortalise the Nerazzurri and Rossoneri.
As on all Lega Serie A platforms, fans on Instagram can find images, curiosities, highlights, anniversaries and statistics related to Serie A TIM, Coppa Italia Frecciarossa, EA SPORTS Supercup, Primavera TIM Competitions and all the protagonists who contribute to making our Championship unique. In addition to this, more and more content and stories will be created that go beyond the chronicle of what happens on the pitch, telling for example about the world of fans and cities.
The main account has also been joined over the past year by the Instagram profile dedicated to the North American audience @seriea_northamerica and that of Radio TV Serie A with RDS @radioseriea.
22 Sep 2023